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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Deep within the woods
Ahead of the canopy
Lay a country quite
And very petite

Nurtured by summer rains
And the winter sun
Bound by mountains
The great ransom

Dale, flourished long
In ignorance of
What lay beyond…
Across the gorge

And in these realms
Where wine and cherries
And farms of mushrooms
Were ever in bloom

Was born Josephine
The daughter of a knight
And as tales recount
The kingdom’s child

With dark locks, black
Of an unveiled night
And eyes that could
Split the trance of skies

Grew she on the moors
And the lush green fields
Where staggered the sun
Did little to reveal

And enigma spared
Rare few
Though most dared not
What she did to

They sung songs
Of great ships that sailed
And woods that lay
A vestige of all tales

And startling voices
She revered of the unknown
Trying to draw closer as
The clocks inched the dawn

For lay this kingdom
Forbidden to venture
Beyond the woods
Of wizards and centaurs

And Josephine waited
In anticipation of
A mystic foray
Someday, to the land across


Anonymous said...

its gotta be
Josephine wife of napoleon bonaparte went to become french empress isnt it ??

shruti said...
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